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联合国教科文组织总干事伊琳娜·博科娃等联合致辞“增强教师权能 促进教学自由”

来源:联合国教科文组织 点击数: 更新时间:2017/10/09 09:40:45

Joint Message on the occasion of World Teachers Day 2017

2017 年世界教师日联合致辞

Teaching in Freedom, Empowering Teachers


5 October 2017

2017 10 5

Teachers are a critical foundation of every society’s long-term strength -- providing children, young people and adults with the knowledge and skills they need to fulfill their potential.

巴黎/日内瓦/纽约,2017 10 5 日 教师向儿童、年轻人和成年人传授发挥其潜能所需的知识和技能,他们是社会长久实力的重要基础。

But around the world, far too many teachers don’t have the freedom and support they need to do their vitally important jobs. That is why the theme of this year’s World Teachers’ Day –“Teaching in Freedom, Empowering Teachers” – reaffirms the value of empowered teachers and recognizes the challenges many encounter in their professional lives across the globe.


Being an empowered teacher means having access to high-quality training, fair wages, and continuous opportunities for professional development. It also means having the freedom to support the development of national curricula -- and the professional autonomy to choose the most appropriate methods and approaches that enable more effective, inclusive and equitable education. Furthermore, it means being able to teach in safety and security during times of political change, instability, and conflict.


But in many countries, academic freedom and teacher autonomy are under pressure. For example, at the primary and secondary school levels in some countries, stringent accountability schemes have put enormous pressure on schools to deliver results on standardized tests, ignoring the need to ensure a broad-based curriculum that meets the diverse needs of students.


Academic freedom is critical for teachers at every level of education, but it is especially critical for higher-education teachers, supporting their ability to innovate, explore, and stay up-to-date on the latest pedagogical research. At the tertiary level, teachers are often employed on a fixed-term, contingency basis. This in turn can result in greater job insecurity, diminished career prospects,higher workload and lower wages – all of which can restrict academic freedom and undermine the quality of education that teachers can deliver.


Across all education levels, political pressure and business interests can curb the ability of educators to teach in freedom. Teachers living and working in countries and communities affected by conflicts and instability often face greater challenges, including rising intolerance, discrimination, and related restrictions on research and teaching.


This year marks the 20 year anniversary of the 1997 UNESCO Recommendation concerning the Status of Higher-Education Teaching Personnel, which complements the 1966 UNESCO/ILO Recommendation concerning the Status of Teachers. Together, these instruments constitute the main reference framework on the rights and responsibilities of teachers and educators. Both stress the importance of teacher autonomy and academic freedom in building a world in which education and learning are truly universal.

今年是 1997 年教科文组织《关于高等教育教学人员地位的建议书》出台 20 周年。该《建议书》是对1966 年教科文组织/劳工组织《关于教师地位的建议书》的补充。这两项文书共同构成教师和教育工作者权利和责任的主要参考框架。两项文书都强调教师自主和学术自由对于建设一个真正普及教育与学习的世界所具有的重要意义。

As the world works together to realize the vision of the Sustainable Development Goals, we appeal to our partners in governments and across the education and private sectors to commit to building a highly skilled, valued and empowered education workforce. This constitutes a critical path to realizing SDG 4, which envisions a world in which every girl, boy, woman and man has access to quality education and lifelong learning opportunities.

全世界正共同努力将各项可持续发展目标的愿景化为现实。我们呼吁政府、教育部门以及私营部门的合作伙伴致力于为建设一支高技能、受重视和有权能的教育工作者队伍。这是实现设想世界上每一位儿童、青年和成年人都能获得优质教育和终身学习机会的可持续发展目标 4 的关键路径。

This means securing decent working conditions and fair wages for all teachers including at the tertiary level. It means providing teachers with training and development. It means increasing the number of quality teachers, especially in those countries with high numbers of untrained teaching personnel. It means removing unnecessary restrictions on research and teaching and defending academic freedom at all education levels. Finally, it means raising the status of teachers around the world in a way that honors and reflects the impact they have on the strength of society.


This World Teachers’ Day, join us in empowering teachers to teach in freedom so that, in turn, every child and every adult is free to learn – to the benefit of a better world.


Irina Bokova, Director-General of UNESCO


Guy Ryder, Director-General of ILO


Anthony Lake, Executive-Director of UNICEF


Achim Steiner, Administrator of UNDP


Fred van Leeuwen, General-Secretary of Education International


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